Lander- Need help for Raiders/Shack contest


New member
Oct 20, 2002
I could use an attorney here. Shack has tried to cheat numerous times in this tourney by putting in late plays and deleting plays. At the beginning the rules stated that plays had to be in 30 minutes prior to the start of the game. Shack put a play in 30 minutes prior to the first pitch according to Stats Inc. The play lost and two days later he cries to Sea the play is late because it was 28 minutes before the listed time. Sea was put in a bad position and split the difference. I have never put in a questionable play or made any deletions. Shack had piggybacked 7 of my plays and I had not piggybacked one of his early in the contest. After I mentioned piggybacking being cheap to Shack he piggybacked two of my plays. To show Shack what it's liked I pickybacked all his plays one day. 30 minutes later Shack deletes his plays. I never saw the deleted plays until after I graded the games. There's no deleting in this thread under the rules so there's no reason to ever look back. I never play alt run lines or RL so it's quit obvius what I did. Now 10 days later Shack is claiming his deleted plays don't count. I've been posting the score daily and he hasn't said anything about it for a week. Now all of a sudden when the contest is winding down he wants to change the score. Also I tried to be fair and implement a no piggybacking rule after all these arguments. The very next day Shack piggybacked me again.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm not an attorney, but it is clear that Shack is a chickensh*t sore loser. Good thing he sent the money to Sea or else you'd never have a shot at getting it Raiders.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to go to Neteller and try to get the money back claiming Urchin frauded him or something.

What a piece of work.


There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
I haven't been following the contest, so it's hard for me to say.

On the specific issues at hand I would say -

1. Posting the game 28 minutes prior instead of 30 is irrelevant - had Shack said "oops, I fuked up PRIOR to the first pitch then ok, but common sense says he's taking a free shot".
IMO the loss should count. (a PAST POST is a different story, but that's not the case here).

2. Regarding piggybacking - I suggest that going forward ALL piggybacks are diqualified and counted as -1.0 units for the day. This is a CAPPING-CONTEST not some stupid "Price Is Right" contest where lame $1 over-bid tactics are used.

I really don't care who wins - BUT piggybacking is PATHETIC. I can see it from time to time as opinions are bound to overlap on occasion, but several times is a joke. I personally try to avoid pickbacking (unless there is 2 game card of something bizarre) as it is POOR SPORTSMANSHIP.

Guys I enjoy BOTH of your posts, but I will lose respect for any piggybackers. I highly suggest you implement the "no piggybacking rule" going forward. Another suggestion is to email plays into a reliable source - <urchin>, Dicky, Mods are all trustworthy - maybe one of them could volunteer to take picks via email (this would save any piggybacking problems too)??

Sorry, wish I could help more, but without having followed this - it's unfair for me to intervene.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Rooster and Lander- Thanks for the opinions.

Sea- If you read this I will agree not to piggyback and plays under -200. Shack has been putting up some ridiculous alt RL of -400 or greater. I will piggyback these from now on. Is this fair?

New member
Jun 21, 2000
2 suggestions here:

1. Never get involved in contests with real money. Because it causes problems. case and point, your current contest.

2. You guys should have sent your money to Breakfast. That way you would not have to worry about ever seing it again. LOL -


New member
Jun 20, 2001
I know this was addressed to Lander but I am going to make a quick comment.I respected both of you a lot more before this contest started then I do now. Talk about two very good handicappers acting like two childern and now Sea. is stuck right in the middle of it. Piggybacking, Editing posts, Bad Lines, posting time fights,,unbelievable coming from you two.

If I were Sea. I would send both of you your money back and when you both decided to act like adults then maybe you can do this again.

I am sure one of you is more at fault then the other, but I don't think it is Seaurchins job to figure out who stuped the lowest.

GL, hopefully after this contest is over, both of you can show a little more maturity, as I like both of you.justmyopinionandIknowbothofyoucouldgiveashit.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Jwdog- All the problems have been caused by Shack. His plan the whole time has been to have this contest canceled. That's why he has caused so many problems. I agree that it's unfair for Sea to have to listen to all this. I've been ahead in this contest all but one day. A fair solution would be to end it now and declare Shack the loser.

[This message was edited by raiders72001 on June 24, 2003 at 03:29 PM.]

New member
Jul 20, 2001
Raiders you are nothing but a lie. You have piggybacked about 15 of my plays, and the reason you didn't do the rest is because I have been putting them in at the last minute to keep you from piggybacking me. You have piggybacked while you had a lead to keep me from catching you. I piggybacked when you had the lead because I liked the game and you posted it at 4-6am while I am sleeping. I only piggybacked a few select games, while you relentlessly piggyback my entire card day after day unless I post my picks with a few seconds to spare. I have lost 3 units because I posted one minute late.
I told you not to piggyback me and you continued to do it. We have had about 5 plays in question and you only bring it up if your team loses or my team wins. You only bring it up AFTER THE GAME is over claiming you didn't see it until after the game. This has happened about 4 times now. You put the con in conman. Anyone that knows you knows you didn't miss 4 out of 4 times when things were in question. But somehow after the game was over you knew. Yea right. You have cheated from about the 5th day on. If there is a dispute I bring it up in the beginning. You have lied and cheated your way to about 7 units so far.
Anyone that read the entire thread would see you are trying to con me for a thousand bucks.

New member
Jul 20, 2001
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raiders72001:
To show Shack what it's liked I pickybacked all his plays one day. 30 minutes later Shack deletes his plays. I never saw the deleted plays until after I graded the games. There's no deleting in this thread under the rules so there's no reason to ever look back. I never play alt run lines or RL so it's quit obvius what I did. Now 10 days later Shack is claiming his deleted plays don't count. I've been posting the score daily and he hasn't said anything about it for a week. Now all of a sudden when the contest is winding down he wants to change the score. Also I tried to be fair and implement a no piggybacking rule after all these arguments. The very next day Shack piggybacked me again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Raiders you lied about 10 times in the quote above. For example, you had been piggybacking me every chance you got for over a week. I told you to lay off and you continued. I posted bogus picks in the early am and you piggybacked. About 20 minutes later and about 16 hours before the games started I deleted the picks. I told you before and after what I did and you didn't say a word until after the games were over and you had lost units for the day. You knew damn well that I wasn't playing any games that day. I told I wouldn't allow you to piggyback anymore. When you did, I cancelled the plays and that was a good 16 hours before game time. You are a lying, cheating bastard. The only reason you said anything is because you lost. If you had won you wouldn't have said a word and you know it. You have done this about 5 times after the fact now.

As of now I move to suspend our contest until these issues are settled.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Raiders-How are you so stupid. Shack piggybacked a couple of your picks because you posted them at around 4am. You piggybacked Shacks entire card once you had a decent lead. You did this repeatedly even after I called you out on it and so did Shack. For over a week you piggybacked every chance you got and Shack was having to post plays at exactly 30 minutes before the game or you would piggyback him. That is so cowardly, and then you lie about it. You are the cheat here Raiders. I've called you out several times and all for the same type of shit that goes the other way when it favors you. You are a hypocritical little bitch.

New member
Jun 20, 2001

I figured out a way to solve this hold the money til the Greensboro open and I will come down we'll go out to dinner and blow a couple a grand complements of SHack and Raider.There is a way for two people to blow a couple of grand in Greensboro on a weekend isn't there?

What do you think?

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